Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Although Alaska is a long way away from the Mexican border, immigrants are attracted to the area for promising job opportunities like fishing. As you can see from the picture below, the Mexican-Born population in Alaska is between 0 and .9%.

"Federal officials said they are unable to estimate the exact number of undocumented immigrants in Alaska, but there are indications the numbers are rising.
Since January 1991, they arrested 462 undocumented immigrants in Alaska, 40 percent with jobs.
The seasonal fishing and fish-processing industry in Alaska in recent years has grown increasingly dependent on foreign labor.
At one Kodiak fish cannery this summer, a reporter found nearly half the 125 workers were Mexican or Salvadoran.
The rest were Filipino, a few whites and one Eskimo.
Getting here is easy. The job seekers board airplanes in Mexico City or Los Angeles and fly into Anchorage International Airport. From there, they take planes to small coastal communities.
With several weeks' work they make up the air fare.
Some of the undocumented migrants are victims of scams, however.
Employment "agencies" run ads in Spanish-language newspapers sold along the Mexico-U.S. border, promising high-paying jobs in Alaska for a fee.
Those who fall for this usually find no jobs, or low-paying positions." written by John Enders 

As a result of the increasing number of Mexican immigrants, more and more of their culture can be found in the state of Alaska. For example, restaurants are opening throughout the state with the flare and flavors of Mexico.

Due to the low number of Mexican-Born Alaskans, racism is an undeniable issue in the state. For example, the Republican Rep, Don Young was quoted referring to the Mexican race in derogatory terms. 

It is important to be understanding of people different than yourself. Hopefully the increase in immigration will increase the people of Alaska's tolerance for other races. 

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